Maskerade lspace
Maskerade lspace

The characters are - well, I was going to use words like "compelling," "believable" and "sincere," but what I really mean is that they're human. The latter would get old quick the former is what draws readers back to the Discworld again and again. Terry is clearly more interested in telling a good story and making it funny than in telling jokes and making them into a story.

maskerade lspace

No writer since the American Dave Barry has ever made me laugh so much, so often, so consistently, and still made me think about and enjoy what was being said.


Because while his comic fantasy novels in the Discworld series do have their bad moments, they're outshined by the brilliant good ones. I soaked up the sequel, The Light Fantastic, just as quick as I could. By the end I was in love with the puns, sideways parody, and of course Rincewind and the Luggage which made the story so utterly bizarre. I pushed through the not-so-funny parts and got through the first chapter. Some years later I tackled The Colour of Magic again, after seeing several more of Pratchett's Discworld novels make their way into my mom's collection. What can I say, I had a short attention span. I gave up, put the book back, and went back to my collection of X-Men comic books in my own room. Several pages into it, I was still waiting for the funny parts. I'd heard her talking about how funny it was, with positive comparisons to his fellow Briton Douglas Adams, so I gave it a go. My mom, an avid subscriber to the Science Fiction Book Club, got a copy of The Colour of Magic and left it on the end table. I remember my first exposure to Terry Pratchett.

Maskerade lspace